Join me and nutritionist Rebecca Wells as she presents some of the signs and symptoms typically associated with ADHD. She also discusses the link with habit formation, and how this is a key part of ensuring healthy choices and the specific nutrients that are at play.
Rebecca Wells
I graduated from Westminster University in 2007 and started working in clinical practice seeing a wide range of clients with various conditions, all looking for help in improving their symptoms naturally, using diet and supplements.
Seeing first-hand the effects of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD in my own family I started down the long and often confusing path of understanding what ADHD is and just how far-reaching the effects are for the individual and their families. I underwent further training in this area at Kings College, London. I learned to understand the daily struggles behind the neuro-typical brain and used my skills as a nutritionist to modulate neurotransmitter and brain function through diet and supplements. The results were amazing and seeing how simple dietary changes and targeted supplements improved focus and helped regulate emotions gave me the passion and drive to help others going through the same struggles. Research shows that sub-clinical nutritional deficiencies or imbalances can affect brain function. Correcting these deficiencies and in some cases using therapeutic doses can have a profound effect on ADHD symptoms
Nutrition is just one part of the bigger picture when working with children and adults with ADHD. I work alongside Drs, psychologists and (parenting) coaches to ensure you and your child receive the best care.