6 week Health Improvement Programme


A successful approach to achieving your health goals and ensure sustainable change that fits in with your lifestyle. See the details below.

  • Description

    Product Description

    “Thanks for all your help May, I really feel your ongoing changes to my diet have had a big impact”

    A Health Improvement Programme includes:

    Initial “One to One” Consultation

    During an initial Nutritional Therapy consultation, I will:

    • Discuss your goals and current health status
    • Link your current diet choices and lifestyle to any symptoms
    • Provide a sound understanding of your nutritional requirements
    • Discuss a specific protocol to help you achieve your health goals, which will include diet/lifestyle recommendations, meal/recipe suggestions and if necessary, supplement the advice and nutritional laboratory tests to gain further insight into your health status.

    This appointment takes approximately 1hr 15mins. Prior to your first consultation, you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and a 5-day food diary. This will ensure that the consultation time is used effectively to discuss your goals and individual recommendations.

    The consultations are conducted on a fully confidential basis.


    Follow-up Consultations
    Follow-up Consultations after 3-4 weeks, take approximately 45-60 mins and are intended to monitor progress and make adjustments if necessary. Further advice and recommendations will be offered to help achieve your health goals.



    Invest in YOUR Health

    6 Week Health Improvement Programme

    Initial Consultation plus 2 Follow-up Appointments     £375

    Subsequent Consultations     £125

    How Can We Work Together?

    I am based in Claygate, near Esher, Surrey where I can book you in for a face-to-face appointment as part of your 6-week Health Improvement Programme. I also successfully see a number of clients online using Skype or FaceTime.

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