As President of the United States of America, Donald Trump could and should be setting an example to a nation which epitomises the global obesity epidemic; 38% of it’s adults classed as clinically obese as well as 17% of its teenagers. Clinically obese, as opposed to Obese moves your health status into a dangerous category
During his presidential campaign in 2016, photographs of him tucking into buckets of fried chicken, burgers and pizza were commonly released on his twitter feed as though to suggest his hearty appetite is fuelled by the gruelling work schedule he appears to thrive on. It is reported that as well as a diet solely made up of fast (junk) food, he washes this down with 12 cans of Diet Coke. Notwithstanding the obvious shortcomings of this diet, it seems his lifestyle doesn’t fare any better; irregular & disrupted sleep, minimal exercise, up to 8 ours of TV a day and frequent bouts of anger. He doesn’t however drink alcohol, tea or coffee.
I was asked to comment on this diet for a recent article.
So, how bad is Donald Trump’s Diet?
ANSWER: As bad as it gets!
I believe it is his obsession with Diet Coke that underpins all his poor dietary choices. Even though Diet Coke does not contain sugar or calories, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the brain still registers sweetness, but with no calories associated with this sweetness, the brain stimulates the appetite to bring in the calories it is expecting. This fuels his appetite for more food but more specifically, sugar. The burgers, pizzas and fried chicken meals will all be high in carbohydrates and therefore sugar and it is these foods that will satisfy the brain’s stimulatory messages. With the consumption of so much refined sugar comes a rollercoaster of blood sugar fluctuations; blood sugar surges followed the inevitable severe crashes. With the crashes, the body is in a state of very low blood sugar and will be in a state of stress. Symptoms such as anxiousness, anger and bouts of rage are not uncommon and the brain is registering a need to consume more sugar.
Perhaps this is the time that most of Donald Trump’s enraged tweets are sent out?
Read the full article which appeared in the Press, CLICK HERE
One glaring issue with this diet is the severe lack of nutrients needed for the body’s main functions. The food we eat is a basic and fundamental part of our lives and provides our bodies with the information and ingredients for us to function properly. Without this correct information, the processes that take place in our body are compromised and as a result our health declines.
The nutrients; i.e. vitamins and minerals, in the food we eat allow the cells in our bodies to perform the necessary physical functions. These nutrients are essential for growth and without them health declines
When a cell does not regularly receive its requirements, the metabolic processes slow down or even stop. Processed foods can contain chemically-altered fats and sugars, which the body does not recognise and therefore cannot use or worse gives the body the wrong information.
For more, read my full article
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