Week beginning Friday 28th August 2020

Simple Blackberry Ketchup
Blackberry & Almond Bircher
Blackberry and Raspberry Coulis
Freezing Blackberries

This Week: Beautiful Blackberries!

Staying seasonal again this week….if you’ve been out blackberry picking in the hedgerows, you’re in for a treat! You’ve probably watched them ripen from red to a deep blue colour over the past few weeks and now is the time to get picking. I love that we can pick up so many free if you find a good spot but supermarket blackberries are just as juicy and tasty at this time of year. Pick the plumpest, juiciest and deepest in colour and here are 4 blackberry recipes you’ll love! 

  • Homemade Blackberry Ketchup ***
    [Perfect to freeze] This simple berry ketchup base is a delicious alternative to traditional tomato ketchup, with options to spice it up as you wish.

    • Ingredients
      2 cups of fresh ripe blackberries
      300ml apple cider vinegar
      ½ tsp salt
      1 tbsp brown sugar
      Flavour options: you can add further spice to this ketchup by adding in freshly grated ginger or cinnamon and nutmeg.Remove any stalks/leaves from the berries and wash them well. Put them in a saucepan, along with the remaining ingredients including spices if using, but not the sugar and bring to the boil. Allow them to simmer for 20-25mins until the berries are soft.Remove from the heat and put through a sieve to remove any seeds. Now return to a clean pan and add the sugar. Bring to the boil again, stirring to allow the sugar to dissolve and the mixture to reduce.Season with a little salt and pepper and pour into a sterilised jar. If unopened, this can keep for months. Otherwise, keep a batch in the fridge and use it to liven up any meal!
  • Blackberry & Almond Bircher
    This recipe uses the coulis below to make an easy breakfast that’s healthy, satiating and convenient. Having a ready-made batch in the fridge will get your day off to a far less stressful start; it’s a great one for the whole family!

    • Ingredients
      2 tbsp fresh blackberry coulis (see below)
      2 tbsp oats
      1 2 tbsp Greek yoghurt
      1 tbsp chia seeds
      1 tbsp flaked almonds
      2 tbsp ground almonds
      Juice of a whole orange (or ½ glass orange juice)
      Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, mix well and cover. Leave in the fridge overnight (or just a couple of hours if you can’t wait – it won’t be as soft in texture but not far off!)This should be served thick but if you prefer, you can add a little more orange juice or milk (any) to the desired consistency. Serve with some fresh blackberries mixed through.
  • Blackberry & Raspberry Coulis
    [Perfect to freeze]
    Blackberries are naturally very sweet, so I’ve combined it with some less sweet, more sour raspberries to balance the flavours. I love the “tang” the raspberries bring to this very simple way of preserving your blackberry haul.

    • Ingredients
      2 handfuls of fresh ripe blackberries
      1 handful fresh (or frozen) raspberries
      Remove any stalks/leaves from the berries and wash them well. Put them in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Allow them to simmer for 20-25mins until the berries are soft.Remove from the heat and put through a sieve to remove any seeds. This is optional; I prefer mine to have a little more texture..and fibre! Allow the mixture to cool and store in a sterilised jar.This is so versatile….use it with a dollop of yoghurt, your favourite pancake recipe or in a smoothie for an added colour and nutrient boost.
  • Frozen Blackberries!Do you know how easy it is to freeze fresh Blackberries?Simply lay them out in a single layer on a large tray and pop them in the freezer. An hour or so later, scoop them up into a bowl or freezer bag and that’s a winter supply of vitamins and antioxidants sorted!So, if you’ve used up your haul already, it’s worth getting back out there and secure a few for those warming winter crumbles!

*** Exclusive to Thrive