Corporate Wellness
Empower your staff with knowledge and understanding so that they look and feel their very best.
In our fast paced working life, ensuring corporate wellness is vital. Improving productivity and reducing absenteeism will make a difference to the bottom line and taking responsibility for your employee’s health will help you achieve this collectively.
Making better healthier diet and lifestyle choices will make a huge impact on your employee’s day-to-day activities and to overall wellbeing and enthusiasm in the workplace.
I offer a tailored series of workshops that can be delivered within the working day or during the lunch period as preferred. Guidance also includes a review of menu options within an organisation if applicable or options within close proximity to ensure the best choices for you and your staff.
Contact me at may@simpkin.com to find out more
“If you’re looking for a speaker on nutrition to motivate and inspire, May will not disappoint”

“Your content and delivery were excellent. Passionate, clear and compelling. I found you riveting, and looking around I could see that we all did!”